Hogs....down in the bog!

Hogs....down in the bog!

September 27, 2011

Do you know what time it is?


I am so excited for archery season to begin this weekend! Although I am a little bummed that I cannot participate just yet. I was doing a great job pulling back my bow, and could fire off about fifteen arrows before I would get tired. Then, to congratulate me for being so strong, Josh upped my draw weight to forty pounds. Needless to say I am struggling. This may have something to do with the fact that my practice schedule has been less that consistent. (I still blame him). But we practiced this weekend, and Josh gave me some workouts to do in the gym to help build my muscles, so hopefully I will be able to go out towards the end of the season.

I do have a super cool new outfit from She Safari that I am excited to wear.
Not the exact outfit, but close. www.shesafari.com
Even though I cannot hunt, we are going up to the cabin for the weekend. Josh and Jarrid are going to hunt together, and Ali and I are going to sit together. I don't know how much fun videotaping will be....but I'm sure we can amuse ourselves for a little while out there. I think the plan is for us to sit in a ground blind somewhere. For some reason the boys don't trust us fifteen feet in a tree together.....

I'll get some good shots at deer camp this weekend, and update next week!
Good luck everyone!

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